Monday, November 22, 2004

Tales from the Weekend

I've been in a poor mood for like a week and a half, and this weekend was no exception, save for Friday night, when Frank and I went to the Hollywood house and watched the shitty early-90's Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie. We got rather drunk (or at least Frank and I did) and after the movie played some X-Men Legends and then talked about comics with Asa, Alan, and Liz until like 3 in the morning. Along the way we learned that Dr. Doom acts with his hands, the Human Torch is the most powerful being who ever existed, and that Frank has the hots for Zatanna. Asa and I exchanged some comics and then Frank and I went on our merry way. That was a good night.

Oh, and Frank wouldn't stop singing the theme from the X-Men Animated Series. Like I said, we were drunk. But good times!


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