Tuesday, November 16, 2004

TV Update

Okay, I'll admit it. Lost is losing me. The flashbacks are getting really hackneyed and they refuse to develop things on the island any more. We haven't seen the monster since the Locke episode. Granted, this past week's Sawyer-centric episode was better than the Charlie episode, but it was still dumb. "And that's when I became that which I hated the most." Ugh, shut up. When is the pol-bo-saur going to start eating some of these extras? Locke's subplot about possibly destroying Sayid's equipment so they don't escape is cool, but was only like two minutes of an hour long episode. This show needs to pull an episode off as good as the Locke episode right quick. Clearly they should let my main man David Fury write more. But right now, since every character has some damn convoluted backstory, it's getting more and more obvious that they're all on the island for a reason, or that they're dead the whole time, or something. McKenna said he heard they were in Purgatory. I could believe that. Or maybe they're all the same person. But then, why the polar bear? Then again, that was like six episodes ago, and my attention is beginning to wane.

I mean, the show isn't terrible. My standards for TV have just risen to near-impossible-to-match levels. You can blame Buffy and HBO for that, I think.

You know what Veronica Mars does that Lost doesn't? If you guessed "develop the interesting mystery backstory every episode," you'd be right! Again, not a perfect show, but one that sets its sights a little lower than Lost, and almost always delivers a decent night's entertainment. I still haven't seen this past week's episode, but I just caught the school election episode, and it was pretty great. Plus, post-pre-Crisis Sidney Portier got to do something! And we learned more about class creep Logan! And it looks like the guy who's on death row for Lilly's murder might have been framed! Gasp! Anyway, the show's been ordered for a full season, and series creator Rob Thomas has promised that the mystery will be solved by season's end. Right now my money's on Mrs. Kane. Although Jake Kane may be a little too saintly. But then they'd be ripping off Twin Peaks.

Arrested Development is back, thank the Lord.

What can I say about The Wire that I haven't said already? It's the best show on TV. This week's episode kicked ass. The scene between Avon and Stringer? Hardcore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, it's McKenna. I was kidding about the purgatory thing. That would be unbelivably lame and anti-climactic. I just said that because everybody kept theorizing that they were already dead. dan vebber of danvebber.com tells me through friends of his who are writers on the show that there is definetely "A monster." Sorry I didn't make it to Meghan's. I was going to go but then I remembered how much that girl gets on my nerves. JKSMILEY! Also, I had a very awkward conversation with Frank last night. Worried about him. I recently joined Myspace.com, Friendster's creepy pedophile brother. I noticed for Alan's profile he's wearing a sailor cap. Ok, this is weird but was he just wearing a sailor cap or is he specifically trying to be L. Ron Hubbard. There was a certain glint in his eye. If he was, then hooray for him. So far, so cool, McKenna.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Then that monster better damn well start eating folks if they want me to keep watching, that's all I'll say.

Don't worry about Megan's. You would have just been one more dude among a sea of dudes. Granted, a dude whose company I enjoy and who I like talking to, but still: dude.

We should all be worried about Frank all of the time.

In that picture Alan is dressed as his alter-ego, totally hot sea captain Cash Milliondollars. He even has his own comic strip! The link in on the sidebar. But rest assured that Alan is not crazier than any initial impression you have of him might suggest. And I assure you that I will remove that glint in his eye with the pointy end of a broken bottle. He owes me a fight.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

I swear by L. Ron Hubbard's name, Jeff's dead.

1:15 PM  

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