Friday, February 18, 2005

Jeff vs. cats

I was supposed to go to San Francisco with Leslie and Emory this weekend, but my inability to manage even the simplest of schedules means I have to stick around the apartment for the next four days, alone with the cats.

Now I do not dislike the cats. But I can't say I love them. I think if you merged the two cats together they would make a perfectly reasonable, easy-to-love cat. Or a completely unloveable, intolerable monster-beast. They each have their quirks, is what I'm saying.

Nemesis is bold, and will actually come near you voluntarily. When I am lying on the futon and reading, he will hop up and make himself comfortable to top of me, and let me pet him and scratch his ears while he purrs contently. Then he will get up, walk right up to me so we're eye-to-eye, and then turn around and shove his butt in my face. His willingness to be near me is not born of affection, but rather that I am extremely comfortable furniture that will pet him as he reclines. He will also not tolerate being picked up. Any attempt on your part to do so will result in your razor-clawed doom. But at least Nemesis does not live in mortal terror of me.

Pagan lives in mortal terror of me. Any attempt to walk towards, reach for, or even turn towards him will result in him fleeing as quickly as possible in the opposite direction. Any attention you give him is met by a look of panic. He will, however, not fight if you pick him up, but he will hold you at paw's length, as if to say, "I musn't, darling! My wife will be home any moment! Release me!" Not particularly affectionate. Pagan, for the record, looks like this. Very pretty cat.

So basically our new cats are acting like, well, cats. Now I get to kick it with them for four days, just me and them. They better learn to love me, dammit! I just don't understand the logic behind getting pets that obviously do not like you. But then I've never pretended to be a cat person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, you should mention that Pagan loves me with all of his little kitty heart and follows me around mewing his love song. So it's not that he's an unfriendly cat. You just freak him out.

(He'll come around)


10:24 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

True. But both Emory AND I freak him out. The only human he loves is you.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emory only kind of freaks him out. Pagan sits with Emory and likes to be petted in the safety of our bedroom. See, while we're gone, you should do your reading on our bed. Then they'll love you.


11:08 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I will take it under advisement.

11:27 AM  
Blogger -Laurel- said...

My ca'ts the same way. she is terrified of everyone but me, whom she adores and won't leave alone. I feel bad because she is freaked out by Alex still. she'll let him pet her if I'm there next to her. That's it. and if he talks she runs into the closet. She's afraid of menfolk.

3:46 PM  

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