Thursday, October 27, 2005

I mean, seriously

The Brave Little Toaster was on the other day. I love that movie. But that's not important right now. What seeing that movie made me think about was one of its sequels, The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars.

THAT MOVIE WAS INSANE. Do you want to know what the plot was? The Brave Little Toaster and his friends have to thwart a plot hatched by rogue appliances that live on Mars for reasons I don't remember. What is the master plan of these rogue appliances? THEY ARE GOING TO BLOW UP THE EARTH WITH A GIANT DEATH RAY. The appliances figured out the concept of "planned obsolecence" and are going to annihilate all life on earth in revenge, while living contentedly on Mars until they inevitably break down. The Brave Little Toaster gets involved because the rogue appliances kidnap the Toaster's owner's baby for reason I again can't remember.

But guys. Seriously. For those in the cheap seats. The plot of this children's movie is that ROGUE, MARS-DWELLING APPLIANCES ARE GOING TO BLOW UP THE EARTH WITH A GIANT DEATH RAY IN REVENGE FOR PLANNED OBSOLESENCE. That's just the greatest. Go rent it immediately.


Blogger Jeff said...

I'm trying to clear 100 page loads for every weekday this week. I almost did it last week, and this week I won't be denied!

5:07 PM  

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