Monday, October 17, 2005

Now I've got it

I think I've figured out why I just can't get that into Lost.

I don't like these people.

Seriously, I don't like most of the characters. They bug me. I am Emory's exact opposite in this. He can't get enough of these people. But I swear, every time Jack or Locke opens their mouth I want to smack them. They're just both so self-righteous. Locke's a more interesting character, but really, "You have to push this button"? What a dick.

Kate's a pretty blank slate on the island (her job mostly seems to be flirting). If they ever get around to actually EXPLAINING her backstory, then we'll see. She could go either way. In a related story, she's hot as hell.

Charlie's annoying. Claire and Shannon are really underdeveloped.

Poor Michael was fine last season, but has been reduced this season to just yelling "Where's my son?" over and over. Sawyer has gone from mildly annoying to downright intolerable this season. That guy can't act, I'm sorry.

Who gets a pass? Hurley, Sayid, Sun, Jin. Am I missing anyone?

Maybe I just can't get into shows where the main characters just bicker all the time. That must be why I enjoyed this last episode so much. Everyone got to be nice to each other!


Blogger Liz said...

I totally agree with this. I mean, I'm still watching the damn thing. But really I'm just hoping that Daniel Dae Kim will start speaking English again...

...and maybe it's time to rewatch Angel Season 4.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Alex said...

Has that fat guy started losing weight yet? That bothers me more than anything.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

They just found a whole big thing of food, Alex, so don't hold your breath.

8:25 AM  

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