Thursday, November 03, 2005


Naturally, since my non-work life is getting crazy, my work life has decided to follow suit. I have a million things to do before Friday here at work, so how am I ever going to do the TWO million things I have to do at home? I ask you.

"Gee Jeff, maybe you shouldn't post on your blog while you should be working." Shut up! This post is SHORT! And will most likely be all you get today.

So I guess we're moving. Into the building we loved so much when we saw it a few months ago. We'll be on Las Palmas, about a block south of Sunset. Oh man. That will be just GREAT.

I tried to put up the new Atrox comic, really I did. I just don't know what the problem is. Stupid internet. I'll get it right this evening.


Blogger Alan said...

Congrats on the move. We'll totally see each other more often. Or, you know, just as much. Woot. Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it...

10:37 AM  

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