Friday, December 31, 2004

New blog and the day's travel

Since he now seems to actually be producing regular content, it only seems right to add a permanent link to McKenna's blog to the ol' sidebar. McKenna (I suppose you could call him Matt, but I for one know too many Matts to make that effective) is a droll fellow indeed. Here's a quick sample, reprinted with no permission whatsoever, but Matt's an arrogant sort, and I'm sure he'll appreciate my chatting him up.

"I want to do a short film about a caprapheliac (someone who is sexually stimulated by shit) moving to a new town and trying to find others who share his forbidden love of fecal matter. Every attempt to find an outlet for his fetish is thwarted. For instance, he gets invited to a scat party and he's all excited and he shows up to find everyone scatting like "sqweep dap da fweep dap tappy dap swippy soo..." You just see a single tear running down his cheek as people joyously scat in the background. Then he sees a sign on a billboard that says "CAPRAPHELIA!" he goes into the theatre only to find a Frank Capra film festival going on. Then he leaves the theatre, sad again, and misses the scene from "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" where Gary Cooper shits on Jean Arthur's face."

That's comedy, people! So you should all go and read about Frank throwing his soda cup at talkative movie theater patrons. Hilarity will then ensue. In your pants. Wait, what?


Let's not talk about the 10 hours of travel I had to endure today, when originally it was only supposed to be five. The airline cancelled my original flight so they instead had me fly down to Dallas, wait around, fly up to Fresno, wait around, and then fly back down to LA. And then I was in a shuttle with seven other people and I was the last to be dropped off. I was originally supposed to be at LAX by 10:30 AM! Home by noon! A whole day to goof off and store up energy for New Year's! Now it's all rubbish! Wait, I said I didn't want to talk about it.

I have to go get ready for the New Year's party now. It's at the Hollywood House, as these sorts of things are. And I, for one, am going to get stupefyingly drunk.


Blogger Jeff said...

Save for actually speaking with you before and during the party I attended, I didn't call you. But I did get stupefyingly drunk! Just as you no doubt did, since you were drunk both times I called.

12:56 PM  

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