Friday, February 18, 2005

Rain can eat it

There is intense sucking going on outside. Intense sucking in the form of a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR. I hate stupid rain.

Emory's joke is that everyone who lives in LA cheerfully maintains that there is never any rain here, ever. Like "Yup, it's just hot and sunny every single day! There's never a single sign of any changing weather! We don't need to build adequate drainage because rain does not exist here! Hell, we don't even need to build ROOFS on our HOUSES!" and on and on. It's funny. You should hear it when Emory goes on his comedy tour, starting in the year never.


Blogger -Laurel- said...

My apartment isn't leaking yet at least. I fixed it! Yay! (knock on wood)

11:50 PM  

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