Monday, July 04, 2005


I need to learn to accept that occasionally my evening will end before 1 AM and that I should be totally satisfied with the many hours of socializing and fun I have had. I am no longer 19, and I cannot stay out until 4 AM every night like in ye olden times.

Someone needs to tell my brain this. Right now it's bouncing around my skull like an excited puppy dog, yipping "What's next? Huh? Huh? What now? What are we doing now? Huh? HUH?" Chill OUT, brain. You could stand to have a decent night's sleep. I guess.


Blogger Jeff said...

Follow up comment!

Last night I went to bed at a relatively reasonable hour, but for some reason I woke up at 3 AM and couldn't fall back to sleep for an hour and a half. My mind was racing with a crazy half-dream that my friends and I were involved in violent black ops. It sucked.

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That happened to me last week, too. Except for the part about the "black ops". What does that mean? I hope I wasn't in the dream. It sounds scary.

3:02 PM  

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