Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sweet TV memoires

To the ever-expanding list of TV shows that needed to be on DVD yesterday, let us add the animated Tick series that aired on Fox in the mid-90's.

Last night Leslie and I were flipping channels and we found that Toon Disney re-airs The Tick at 11 (or so) on weeknights. Watching that episode ("The Tick vs. the Uncommon Cold") made me remember how goddamn funny that show became, particularly in its 2nd and 3rd seasons. How easy would it be to release all the episodes on one DVD set? Pretty easy.

MAN, that show was funny. I've got one word for you: Sarcastro.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know anything about them releasing MTV's "Clone High" on DVD? That needs to happen immediately. The show was brilliant--especially the episode guest starring Ashley Parker Angel from failed boy band O-Town.

Oh, yeah, Jeff, it's Brandon. From high school. Yeah, that one. I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago (probably about 15 minutes after discovering what a "blog" was) and have been reading it off and on ever since. Glad to know you're still hilarious. Yeah. So. Ok this has been a voice from your distant past just.... dropping know...good work...or whatever.

*Also I've noticed that in a few posts you say things with which I completely, wholeheartedly and vehemently disagree (see? not that much has changed). So, can I call you out on it? Just curious. Now that I know how blogs work, I'm all amped up ready to "be a part of a dialogue". Lemme know.

Now write something else. And make sure it's funny. Go!

12:03 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

MTV is obsessed with the Now. Since Clone High is now part of the Then, MTV does not give a damn about it. Expect a DVD around the 12th of never. (See also: The State, Sifl and Olly) But yes, Clone High was great. Thanks to Tom's efforts, I have every episode ever on my hard drive. But I would still get a DVD.

MTV is truly evil. They will greenlight the strangest, most original shows, give you a tantalizing glimpse of their greatness, and then pull the plug and pretend they never existed. By which I mean they won't release DVDs of the damn stuff.

In other news, HOLY SHIT! BRANDON! God, what have you been up to, say, the past 7 years? Feel free to email me rather than, say, relating your various adventures in the comments section of my blog.

You are actively encouraged to disagree with me on the blog. I cannot, however, guarantee that I will actively debate you. I mostly post stuff on a whim, half thought-out, and in between doing stuff at work, so my arguements are not always cohesive. (So naturally, I put them somewhere where anyone on the planet can read them.) But I may just say "Hey, you're right. Zzzzzzzz." Who knows? But yes, dialogue is encouraged.

Man. Brandon pops up out of nowhere. This is weird. But, y'know, awesome.

4:52 PM  

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