Monday, August 08, 2005

The weekend, and the adventures therein

Well, I'm glad I didn't promise thrilling tales from the weekend, because there weren't any, really. Sure, it was a delightful time, but to relate those times to you would fall into a rather repetitive narrative consisting of "Went here, talked to people, drank alcohol." Just a drinking and socializing sort of weekend, I suppose. The amount of Heinekens I drank on Sunday ALONE... well, it never cleared single digits, but it's still more Heineken then I am used to consuming in a 12-hour period. Also, this weekend took pity on my current pauper status and provided me with lots of free food. The last meal I paid a cent for was lunch on Saturday.

It was another of those "see everyone I conceivably know in LA" weekends. In order of appearance, I ran with high school kids, Santa Monica kids, Oxy kids, USC kids, and different Oxy kids. I don't say this to brag, like "look at all the suckers who will invite me to their social functions," but it is nice to know this many cool people who apparently don't take offense to me (or if they do, they do so in secret).

Since when is everyone's birthday in August? Bregan, Cheun, and Yaiza all had birthdays this past week. There's a number of upcoming ones as well, at least according to Friendster, including both girls I know named Ali who were apparently born scant days (and a couple of years) apart. Ali A. just called me earlier today, apparently having just arrived back in LA for a few days. It'll be nice to see her before she moves on to "old crone" status on the 15th. Apparently I had a thing for older women back in college. Then I graduated, panicked, and started dating someone 4 years my junior. But enough about my disastorous romantic life.

This post has sort of meandered, hasn't it? I'll let you go about your day.


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