Monday, August 15, 2005

"You suck, surprising no-one!"

I got volume 2 of Scott Pilgrim. How much do I love this comic? Well, I'm looking forward to Pilgrim Volume 3 more than Harry Potter 7. Its delights are truly boundless, and specifically attuned to my brain. More girl problems (Knives lives up to her name), more Game Logic (2nd evil ex-boyfriend's defeat yields a Methril Skateboard), and more pop-culture references taken straight from my childhood (any comic with a character saying "How appropriate. You fight like a cow." has me at hello). Listen, just read it, okay?

I also got the second volume of Blue Monday, and sadly, this one goes off the rails a bit. Everything's going fine and it's all appropriately teen angsty, and then this giant otter pooka thing shows up and what the hell? Any comic that has an otter pooka appear out of the blue is on its way to crapsville (see: Generation X. No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was.). Still, everything goes swimmingly until then, and I hear the otter isn't in later books, so maybe I'll flip through the third book and give the series another shot.


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