Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The year in kissing

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but thinking back on this past year and what I would have liked to have done differently, one thing positively jumps out. So this year, I resolve to STOP KISSING GIRLS WHEN I'M DRUNK. I'd like to say this hasn't been a regular problem throughout most of the year but then I'd be lying. And it's cut both ways. So if you are a woman, and I'm drunk, and I try to kiss you, PUNCH ME IN THE MOUTH. I'll thank you for it.*

*Probably not right then, since I'll be drunk and in pain. In fact, in that moment I will probably say things I will regret. But I'll thank you later. And apologizing for yelling when you hit me. Trust me, this is for the best.


Blogger -Laurel- said...

I support this decision.

Although, if you'd just learn to communicate instead you could keep on keepin' on. But I say that only because I liked taking advantage of you when you're drunk. ;)

10:42 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I think on the road to learning proper communication, avoiding sending the mixed message of kissing someone while you're drunk is a hazard that is useful to avoid. Baby steps.

Of course, I did kiss girls this year where it wasn't a mixed message in the slightest, but it turned out to be one on their end.

10:56 AM  
Blogger -Laurel- said...

Yeah, girls are pretty dumb. We read a lot into stuff that has no meaning at all. I'm guilty of that on many occasions.

i think my resolution should be to stop thinking boys like me ever. Not to be a pessemist, but it will save me a lot of trouble and if they do like me, then they can put forth the effort to make it perfectly clear.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

What I meant by the last sentence of my other comment was that I kissed girls this past year where kissing them meant "Hey, I would like to do this on a regular basis," while they in turn meant "Hey, I'm kissing you because I'm drunk."

But at the end of the day, there'd be a lot less confusion if I would just STOP KISSING THEM.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Clearly we should just rely on furtive glances and dropped hankercheifs like in ye olden days.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

This gives "I don't know whether to punch you or kiss you" a whole new meaning.

2:45 PM  
Blogger -Laurel- said...

Dropped Hankerchief.... That's one I haven't tried....

Oh and the drunk kiss confusion thing is just Karma, dude. It all evens out. :) What can ya do?

But hey, it's a new year and we can all start over with our stupid romantic screw ups!

6:13 PM  

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