Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The trouble with Rogues

Frank, Emory and I were discussing the Flash movie last night (the maybe/hopefully one with David Goyer writing and Ryan Reynolds starring) and had a lot of trouble deciding who the best villain would be for Flash to fight. The problem with most of Flash's rogues gallery is that they're pretty damn ridiculous. Captain Cold or Weather Wizard are only cool in Geoff Johns' Flash run because he plays off of how ridiculous they once were. A villain in a Flash movie would have to be cool right away. Reverse-Flash is awesome, but shouldn't be done in the first movie, so the general concensus was that the villain should be Gorilla Grodd, because telepathic ape-supremacists are always in style.

As much as I love Grodd, he might be a bit too out there for a first cinematic outing, so why not Mirror Master (the Grant Morrison modern age version)? He could work just fine, I think. Then Grodd for the second, Reverse-Flash/Zoom for the third.

There, Hollywood. We've done your work for you. Go forth and produce!


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