Friday, December 10, 2004


I'm broke. And not in the way most kids my age would say "Aw man, I'm so broke!" I mean I have zero dollars. I can also not drive anywhere because I'm really close to being out of gas, and I can't afford any more! And the cable bill is overdue and I have a credit card payment due Monday and if I don't pay they'll stick me with another overage charge and my mom will be pissed. The frustrating part is that come Wednesday I'll be flush with cash. Just five more days to go! Good thing I stocked up on pasta!

Remember how I said I was going to start jogging? Ha, ha. That didn't really happen. I have started jogging home from work the last two days, though. I get winded after like ten steps. I am one unhealthy son of a bitch.

Today was my two-year anniversary with my company. Two years of a job I've never particularly enjoyed, while I've let things I actually like doing fall by the wayside because I'm lazy.

If I come back here sometime and I tell you that I've kissed yet another girl while I was drunk, I want you to slap me.


Yet somehow, right now, I feel fine about all of this. This'll be the last bit of self-indulgent whining for awhile. I'm kicking it to the curb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, I thought you only got drunk and kissed me.

You are a drunken kissing cheater!

Man, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, quit you're whining!!

Just kidding.

But yeah, stop it with the druken kissing cheating...

12:29 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I'm not sure how it's "cheating" when I'm not seeing anyone. Unless you're referring to my jaded past, in which case, that was just the once.

Also, FOR THE RECORD, it was YOU who kissed ME while you were completely wasted and I was just kind of tipsy.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Oh, wait. Now I see. You meant that I drunkenly kissed girls other than you, so that meant I was cheating on you. I have finally processed the joke! Worry not!

12:47 PM  

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