Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The tube

So I guess we can add another hatch mark under the "Deaths That Turn Out to Be Bullshit" column as far as Lost is concerned. This one was just a wee bit more acceptable this time around, since we got some cool insights into Boone and Shannon's relationship.

Is it wrong that I had guessed they had slept together? I mean, that's been my one theory about them from the get-go. I guess I'm just gross.

I just wish they'd stick with one thing and fully explain it. Knock it off with your bullshit mysteries, Lost! Just give us one goddamn answer! I'm losing patience.

This week's Veronica Mars was vastly superior. See Veronica sing Blondie! See Wallace actually be useful! See Mrs. Echolls maybe commit suicide! Yes, Veronica Mars has a season-long myster just like Lost but Mars actually gives clues every single week, and wraps up smaller mysteries as it goes along. (We are not, for example, still in suspense about who took those photos of Veronica with the target on her head. In comparison, when was the last time we even heard the monster on Lost? Not to mention that Kate's had two goddamn flashback episodes and we still don't know a damn thing about her.) There's suspense, and then there's driving your audience nuts with vagueness.

I'm losing patience with Lost, is what I'm saying.

Television Without Pity is really useful for following shows that I would never actually watch. Like reality shows. It's far more enjoyable to read a sarcastic recap than to actually experience an hour of The Apprentice. At this point the only reality show I would consider watching is The Amazing Race. I am automatically in favor of any form of media that emmulates The Chipmunk Adventure.

How weird is it that the villainess from Chipmunk Adventure turns up in Atlantis: The Lost Emprire? Those characters look exactly the same. It's like the cartoon character is an actress who just took a new part. It's weird.


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