Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Love was in the air...

...last night at karaoke, as an Asian businessman apparently became smitten with Megan. He had his friend dedicate a song to her. The best part was that we were all getting up and walking out the door when the guy gets up and says "This is for the lady in the hat, from my friend so-and-so over there." So then we kind of had to slowly sit back down and sit through the song, exchanging awkward glances. Kim also became convinced that our smoking hot waitress had become enamored with Trumbo. Trumbo totally didn't chat her up like we asked him to. More updates on that as it develops, since she seems to be the regular Tuesday night waitress.

Smoking hot waitress is also deeply incompetent waitress. She messed up my bill last week, and apparently mixed something up with Kim's bill last night. She also spilled an entire drink on me, although Paul confessed that was kind of his fault. So I guess we're even from when I spilled a bit of Jack and Coke on him at the Blasphemy Party. Paul theorized that perhaps smoking hot waitress was messing stuff up on purpose, to see how far she could get by on her smoking hotness alone. The answer? Pretty damn far.


Blogger Alan said...

God damn it! I could've sworn yesterday was Monday. Stupid, good for nothing President's Day...

6:16 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I was wondering where you were. You should come next week. It's a cool place, with smoking hot yet incompetent waitresses.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank and I left before the Asian guy sang for Megan but I did notice that when she got up to sing earlier, the three asian men who had been sitting in the back and talking all night were suddenly very interested in what was going on. Clearly it was love at first sight. I kind of wish I'd been there to see my observation pay off.

11:55 AM  

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