Sunday, July 23, 2006

That Con documentary again

Now Quin and Mandy's piece has wound up on Yahoo. I put up a direct link that'll hopefully last, but right now it's right there on the main homepage (along with a still of Asa and Jesse).


More on this year's Con soon.


Blogger Paul said...

This is my favorite of the comments on Yahoo!

"It was an interesting short clip but I came away with a profound pity for these young adults who seem trapped in a culture that does not offer them anything! Instead of living in a fantasy that can never be realized they should move forward and find the will of God. God has a plan for them and it is very real!"

Think about it, Jeff. Think about it.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

No, wait. This one tops it:

"just die"

FACE! You fucking nerd!

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like you're reality television characters:

"The guy with the glasses shoulda hooked up with that girl. She was hot! I thought it was entertaining. I honestly wouldn't have clicked into the link if it weren't for the title "Nerds in Paradise." That made me stop, and then I saw comic book convention and thought this is going to be great! What I thought I was going to end up watching was something totally different. It was a good short documentary. Wish there would've been more to see. I know if there are more women like that girl. I might have to plan a trip up there and get me some glasses. I know nothing about comic books, but I think I can bullxxxx my way through it."

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Those people were so lame it made me sad. I mean, everyone has there faults, but people being that loser-y, I mean, they only have themselves to blame for being alone. Plus, I don't consider them nerds. Nerds are smart, and can actually be cool in there own way. These are dorks. That is the lowest form of cast-off. It goes, nerds, geeks, dorks. Go out and do something normal instead of staying home petting your cats and dreaming of having sex with a super hero. Seriously, for the sake of health, get a life. "

God, Jeff. All you ever do is stay at home petting your cats. It's pretty sad.


1:09 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

The comments are endlessly fascinating, and the majority of them seem to be supportive, so that's nice. People who see it and actually know us tend to think the doc is a poor representation (I know Emory found it exploitive), but it looks like a lot of people are relieved that we all don't look like Rober Carradine and seem to be reasonably intelligent people. I don't know. This is all really surreal.

1:33 PM  
Blogger -Laurel- said...

I've been cracking up over these all day. Too bad it's not on the home page any more because I like reading the comments that were pouring in. soo funny.

It's hard to watch it objectively since we know what really happened and who we really are (awesome), so it's really interesting to see how strangers see it.

9:06 PM  
Blogger -Laurel- said...

Also, watching it again now, there are certain parts that seem unfortunately prophetic. :(

9:08 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Well, because i know and love all of you dearly, I can say that after finally watching this video, you guys rock. You are all charming and adorable. :) I giggled alot, especially at Odin's cameo. Pet that kitty, glasses boy.
Also, you're much more eloquent in the video than in real life.



9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the more I watch it, the more exploitive I find it, too. It presents the search for make-out as if it was these people's once-a-year chance to touch another human. Then they fail and go back to their lives of complete isolation. And their cats.

I enjoy the comment "even Hitch couldn't help these guys! J/K!"

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all a fascinating glimpse into how specifically misleading a documentary can be, while still possessing some air of broader truth. It makes me much more sympathetic to the complaints of someone like Robert Crumb about his own documentary depiction.

10:29 AM  

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