Royal Rumble!
Hardys vs. MNM - Solid enough, although surely there'll be a ladder match sequel in the pipe for Wrestlemania, right? Although since MNM has lost every match involved in the fued, a match like that doesn't seem very climactic. Still, I like watching all of these guys do their thing.
Lashley vs. Test - God. So earlier this week on free TV, Lashley beat Test clean. And then there was this abomination, in which Lashley dominated unti Test decided to just walk off. Because everyone loves a count-out ending. Boo. So now that all of Test's credibility has been burned to the ground, how many top heels are left on ECW? None? That's what I thought.
Batista vs. Kennedy - Kennedy's really grown on me the last few weeks, so I was surprised to hear the crowd actually chant for him. Not to mention that he had Batista pinned but the ref was knocked out. I mean, he's still meant to be a heel, right? Weird bit of booking, unless it's to build Batista turning heel before fighting Undertaker at Wrestlemania? I don't know. The weird role-reversal was really the most interesting part of the match.
Cena vs. Umaga - If you had told me three days ago that I would enjoy this match the most out of the three title shots, I possibly would have slapped you. Still, this was pretty awesome. Cena bleeding like a stuck pig, Umaga smashing through the ECW table (only to get up again!), and finally Cena strangling Umaga with the top rope, leading to an overly melodramatic "Cena wins... BUT AT WHAT COST?" ending that I found hilarious and excellent. Among the viewers at Llama School, this one brought the house down. Emory even expressed a desire to watch RAW tonight. Truly, a Christmas miracle.
Royal Rumble - Actually ended like I expected it to, with Undertaker triumphant, so Emory was a happy man. (That's right, Alan! Undertaker is not only still around, he won the Royal Rumble!) Good times to be had before then, with some of my favorite guys lasting awhile, only to be cleared out by Khali. Plus Edge made it to the final four!
"Oh, I see. This is all just happening in Ric Flair's head." - Frank, when Kelly Kelly and the other ECW ladies inexplicably began freak dancing backstage with Flair under disco lights that came out of nowhere.
If you're reading this and came out, thanks for coming. Hope you had a good time. I certainly did. Hopefully we'll see you again for Wrestlemania!