Friday, October 22, 2004

News on the march!

Readership is up! Sidebar has been expanded! Actual content may actually be forthcoming!

Seriously, I'm working on more reviews and essays and the like. In the meantime, please content yourselves with some scant details from my largely boring life. Seriously, I'm trying to keep the diary stuff to a minimum, since I find my day-to-day living tedious to the extreme. Like for example, here's what I did today:

"Got up. Went to work. Received assignment to re-reference hundres of items (our term for "test questions") from OSHA 2003 standards to OSHA 2004 standards. Did that for about 75% of the day. Faxed the reviews out to Marty. Only got about halfway through the items I was assigned because I spent way too much time dicking around on the internet but that doesn't really matter because I have a minimum of supervision. Went home."

I know, FUCKING BORING. So rest assured there will most likely be more about what comics I read this week or what TV shows I watch than stuff like what I had for dinner or how cute the intern at my work is. Not that I'll ever phase that stuff out completely, mind you, since, as I noted in my very first post, I am self-absorbed.

Just giving you all a heads up.



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