Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why you'd hate watching Lost with us

Emory and I can't keep our fucking traps shut during Lost. From last night:

Emory: Maybe Jack's dad is a robot.
Jeff: I hope they grab him and his head opens up and there's a little pol-bo-saur driving him.
Emory: He's a pol-bo-saur replicant. A pol-bo-cant, if you will.

Emory and I are also insisting, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that Jack is secretly a spy.

Jack's Mom: You have to go get your father.
Jack: Where is he?
Jeff: Afghanistan. Where he has been captured by other spies. You'll need all your spy tricks to get him out.

You get the idea.

Meanwhile, I think it's safe to say that yesterday's Penny Arcade totally rips us off. That's right, anyone who talks about robot dinosaurs in the context of Lost is ripping us off and will not be tolerated.


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